Monday, April 30, 2012

Challenge Time!

I have a bad habit of letting my fear get the best of me. Weather it be fear of the unknown, fear of judgement, fear of imperfections, or just plain fear. I ALWAYS let it win. I try to make big jumps to correct this but that always results in failure. So now I am challenging myself to take baby steps to beat The Fear.

My first step is simply to remeber where my inspirations come from. So let's talk about the people that inspire me. Bob Fosse, Twyla Tharp, Isadora Duncan, Pablo Picasso, Kurt Vonnegut, Tim Burton, Charles Schultz, Audrey Hepburn, Gillian Welch. While these are just a few, I think it's enough to prove my point. Each of these people is either a)unconventional, b)child-like, or c)both. If I look up to these people because of these qualities, then I shouldn't view them as imperfections in myself.

My second step is to give myself 15 minutes of "No Judgement Allowed" craft time every day and 1 hour of "No Fear" goal time a week. In these times, I will ban negitive feelings in order to help myself accomplish more. I'm hoping that I will be able to dream about my goals (short- and long-term) while remembering that it is important to keep goals, even if they change.

That's it. I said baby steps didn't I? 

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