Friday, January 27, 2012

A Few Cleaning Solutions

A friend of mine inspired me today to post about some homemade cleaning products. Not only are they cheap, they are easy to use, clean just as well, and are great alternatives to the harsh, store bought, toxic chemicals that are typically used.

Surface Cleaner
1 part vinegar
1 part water
How to Use: Mix together in a spray bottle, spray, and wipe clean. No need to rinse.

Fancier Surface Cleaner
2 tbsp vinegar
2 cups water
1 tsp Borax
10-15 drops tea tree oil
How to Use: Mix together in a spray bottle, spray, and wipe clean. No need to rinse.

Heavy Duty Cleaner
1/4 cup vinegar
1 cup water
1 tsp Borax
10 drops orange essential oil
5 drops lemon essential oil
How to Use: Mix together in a spray bottle, spray, wipe clean, and rinse with water.

Glass Cleaner
1/3 cup vinegar (I've heard club soda also works in this one)
2/3 cup water
How to Use: Mix together in a spray bottle, spray, and wipe clean with newspaper.

Drain Cleaner
1/2 cup vinegar
1/2 cup baking soda
(I've also been told to try adding 1/2 cup sea salt)
How to Use: Mix together and pour down drain, let sit for at least 10 minutes and pour some hot water down the drain. (When I'm in a hurry I just pour the baking soda down the drain and pour some vinegar over top and consider my next shower the hot water...)

Linoleum Cleaner
1 tbsp liquid soap
1/4 cup washing soda
1/4 cup vinegar
2 gallons water
How to Use: Mix together in a large bucket and mop away! (I normally do a once-over with water after but I don't think it's necessary)

Rug Cleaner
Sprinkle carpet with baking soda, let sit for about 15 minutes, and vacuum up.

Stain Remover
1/4 cup vinegar
1 cup water
1 tsp liquid soap
How to Use: On Carpet-Mix together in spray bottle, spray on stain, let sit for about 15 minutes and scrub spot.  On Clothes- Mix together in spray bottle, spray on stain, let sit for about 15 minutes, rub into spot, and wash as normal.

These are just a few of my favorites and I'm sure I'll be posting more some other day. Until then, try these out and let me know what you think. Or let me in on the ones you've be using for years!

Monday, January 23, 2012

A Few Finished Products

I've finally gotten some projects finished and I'm so excited to share them with you!

The first is a crochet baby cocoon I made for my wonderfully handsome nephew as a Christmas gift. Yes, it was almost a month late but still he loves it! About a week before Christmas I saw a similar product on a photographer's website and simply fell in love with it. I knew I just had to make one for my nephew so I purchased some 100% cotton yarn and went to town. Now patterns are frustrating for me so I tend to just make it up as I go based on what it's looking like (which can mean fixing mistakes but I have no patients with patterns so it tends to be faster for me). When I got about half way I realized the thing was gigantic and the poor little man would be swimming in it so I went back and made it a little smaller. I got about half way again and realized again that it was still too big! I began going back down the previous path and unraveled down to make it smaller yet again. This time I started to get frustrated and I didn't even want to work on it because I knew I would continue to have to re-work everything. But every time I saw him I knew I wanted to finish it for him so I eventually finished it! I was able to give it to them this weekend and here's a picture of the little stinker enjoying it!  

This wreath is also a belated Christmas gift and she doesn't even know about it yet so hopefully she won't see this post! I just covered a wreath with satin yarn, made paper roses out of junk mail, painted some wooden letters, put it all together and this is what happened!

The last project that I'll be sharing with you tonight is this crochet rug made out of old t-shirts and fabric from the thrift store. I have made a few rugs similar to this using old bedsheets but this was my first with jersey knit fabric. The experience was much different because the fabric is way more flexible so you have to be careful to remember stretch factors. All in all, I think it works just fine!

Hope you enjoyed, more to come soon!

On a Whim

I love projects like this pop-up project! My boyfriend came to me and asked if I could crochet up some type of cover for these wall hangers he got for his ever-growing stringed instrument collection. He was afraid the rubber would tarnish the finish on the instruments so I said I'd see what I could do. I'm very happy with the way they turned out and gave me a very relaxing day off!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Place to Start

My biggest problem that lies within my creativity is my tendency to jump from project to project. Even if I get a whole day devoted to crafting I will start eight different projects instead of  starting and finishing four. As motivation to wrap up my lose ends, I am NOT starting a new project OR posting any tutorials until I finish the projects I am working on.

Current Projects I am working on and would like to finish this week! 
  • Rug made out of recycled t-shirts
  • Wreath adorned with paper roses made out of recycled junk mail
  • Crocheted baby cocoon
  • Knitted cowl
Once I finish them I will post pictures of them and start tutorials on new projects!